Friday, August 21, 2009

Peruvian "Scholar" Expresses Thanks

Dear Friends from Global Volunteers:

I am Yimm E. B. I'm 16 years of age and finished high school. I would like to send warm greetings and special thanks to you for giving me this opportunity in order to continue with my high level education and in that way I will be able to become as a good person. I am thankful because if not for you, I wouldn’t’ be able to continue studying because my family and I do not have enough resources but with your help I can help my family and I can help to motivate other kids like me to study and do not give up because there is always someone with good heart that will support them. Thanks for your help and to be so good in order to help me. I promise to have good grades and not let you down.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Until We Meet Again

To appreciate the beauty of West Virginia, whether it be:
The rolling hills
A babbling creek
The New River Gorge
The longest single-arch steel span bridge in the Western Hemisphere
A coal mine, or
The crafts of the artists at Tamarack

To know and follow the wisdom and vision of Artie Mullins;

To find the best in others, including those “who don’t need no stinkin’ help”;

To serve as needed: to caulk, to prime, to paint;, to fix the shelf that is half an inch off; to sort the craft supplies; to scrape the gunk; to install the cabinets; to tile the floor;

To leave Beards Fork a bit better, whether by 10,000 sorted cans of food, a new food bank pantry, a semi-finished dorm, a remodeled home, or a six-year-old friend;

To remember UMBUNTU: “I am because we are.”

To hope that even one life has breathed easier because we were here.