Monday, January 17, 2011

Reflections from a Tutova Clinic Volunteer

Written by Sabrina Shaner

I worked in the Tutova failure-to-thrive clinic in Romania. I bonded with the children at the clinic quickly, by the second day many were greeting us with hugs upon arrival in the morning. It was very hard to leave them after 2 weeks and I continue to think of them often and try to figure out ways I can help from afar.

The children surprised me every day. They are resilient, happy, loving fighters that made me laugh, smile and cry every day.

This experience serves as a reminder that you should not sweat the small stuff. I hope this experience will help me to forgive and forget the small frustrations at work, in life, etc. The babies in Tutova reminded me that the important things in life – things worth worrying about and fighting for – are happiness, health, and love.

Finally, I completely agree with the statement that we were “waging peace through building understanding between cultures.” I believe that the more knowledge you have about another culture, it will help you understand them and thus makes you more tolerant of that culture. I wish more people were able to have the experience I did in Romania!!



Anonymous said...

Nicely written, and I couldn't agree more!